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产品关键字:面料 灯芯绒 牛仔布 绒布 衬衫布 牛津布 桃皮绒 罗纹布 毛绒 网眼布 提花布 毛巾布 印花 棉纱 纱线 丝绸 色织 染色 羊绒
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您的位置:中国服装面料网 -> 服装面料企业名片 -> 深圳观龙实业有限公司
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主  营: 面料
产  品: 全棉、化纤、色织、针织、印花、牛仔等
公司介绍: Greaterland is a leading textile & apparel manufacturer in China. We take tremendous pride to serve our clients by providing a stress-free buying experience in cotton woven fabrics, denim garments, knitted garment such as polo, t-shirt and fleecys.

Greaterland people are dedicated professionals who are striving to offer our expertise, caring and innovation to create values and satisfy needs for our respectable clients.

Headquaterred in Shenzhen, Greaterland has branches in Hong Kong & New York to service our clients around the world. A range of affiliated factories have given Greaterland unparalleled strenthes for all sourcing needs in China.

Affiliated Production Mills:

High Sun Printing Mill, Shenzhen, Guangdong

Dongsheng Denim Clothing Mill, Xintang, Guangzhou

Ningzhou knitted garment Mill, Ningbo, Zhejiang

For more detail of our production mills, please see FAQ.

What makes Greaterland successful is not our strong position in production, but our unique philosophy of serving our clients. Nobody else in China understands global buyers'' needs and wants better than Greaterland. We don''t just take orders, we seize every opportunity to contribute to our clients'' profitability and growth. Contact us today for long term partnership or any order inquiry.
地  区: 广东 深圳
地  址: 深圳市人民南路国际商业大厦东座1910-1911室


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