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产品关键字:面料 灯芯绒 牛仔布 绒布 衬衫布 牛津布 桃皮绒 罗纹布 毛绒 网眼布 提花布 毛巾布 印花 棉纱 纱线 丝绸 色织 染色 羊绒
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您的位置:中国服装面料网 -> 服装面料企业名片 -> 南通黑尔纺织制品有限公司
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主  营: 面料
产  品: 长毛绒,鹿皮绒
公司介绍: Nantong Hare Textile Products Co.,Ltd, a growing enterprise with a number of mnufcturing and researching bases inside the country, specializes in producing a variety of plush fabrics, warp and weft knitted fabrics, garments as well as fur products. The company delivers state-of-the-art facilities, solid technoligy and first-class service. Now the company provides varied simulated fur fabrics,compound fabrics as well as leather products made of rabbit hair, wool, blue fox, silver fox, etc. The products have dozens of series such as printing, jacquar, shrivelling, needle impringement,discharge,etc. Nearly one thousand items are widely used in making garments, shoes, hats, toys,and bedclothes as well, which enjoy a good reputation and sell to the US, European countries and Afro-Asian countries. With the operation policy of high qulityand good credit, the company hs been developing rapidly and keeping a friendly parternership with domestic and overseas customers for over a decade. We hve been expecting overseas customers'' patronage!
地  区: 江苏 南通
地  址: 南通孩儿巷南路66#物资大厦2101室


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