服装时尚网 内衣时尚网 童装时尚网 饰品时尚网 女装时尚网 服装面料网  
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产品关键字:面料 灯芯绒 牛仔布 绒布 衬衫布 牛津布 桃皮绒 罗纹布 毛绒 网眼布 提花布 毛巾布 印花 棉纱 纱线 丝绸 色织 染色 羊绒
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您的位置:中国服装面料网 -> 服装面料企业名片 -> 裕旺纺织贸易有限公司
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主  营: 面料
产  品: 提花布,尼龙牛津布,低弹牛津布
公司介绍: Honmyue Enterprise, as a manufacturer & exporter for professional textile since 1970. For over 30 years of effort, we created our net capital from US$ 90 thousand to 15 million & sales amount from US$ 3 thousand to 53 million. We have been approved to trade our stocks in the Taiwan Stock Exchange because of our outstanding performance during the past 30 years. We also running the ISO9002 quality management system which has been certificated by "TUV" company. With 30 years of experienced & knowledge for textile, we created & developed wild range textile products - Industrial fabric / Home furnishing & Outdoor fabric / Apparel & Fashion fabric to meet our customer''s requirement & offered good quality / competitive price / punctual delivery for each shipment. We are confident our products will be satisfied by every customer.
地  区: 江苏 
地  址: 盛泽镇福建路东5-6号


友情链接:中国服装时尚网 中国服装面料网 中国纺织面料网 慧聪纺织网 更多...
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