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您的位置:中国服装面料网 -> 服装面料企业名片 -> Newlook International Trading Company
Newlook International Trading Company
  企业介绍  联系方式  
主  营: 家用纺织品
公司介绍: Welcome to Newlook (China) Investment Limited, a textile trading company with Hong Kong investment. We specialize in fabrics exporting and importing, our business has expanded nationwide with the annual amount of exports over US$20 million.
Over the past 20 years, Newlook has been transmitted into a trading group, integrating with China ShangHai Office, China ShaoXing Office and Hong Kong Office together.

Welcome to Newlook(China) Investment Limited, a fabric import/export company with offices in Shanghai, Shaoxing and HongKong.
We establishted in Hong Kong since 1982 and the turnover is more than US$ 20 million per year.

By supplying our customers with exquisite fabric and service, we have established a reputation as one of the most innovative and reliable fabric business partners. Our 20 years of experience in the textile industry has provided us the expertise we need to supply our valued customers with latest fashion and quality guarantee they need to compete with their competitors. Whether you want to buy fabrics for garments and home ware products on an indent or agency basis, our facilities are committed to your satisfaction, we are truly " One-Stop Textile Solution Provider"

Through the years, our broad range of fabrics cover Cotton, T/C in bleach, dyed, printing, Yarn Dyed, Denim, Corduroy and various fancy synthetic fabrics etc.

With China entering into WTO, we are provided with the unprecedented opportunity, in order to strengthen our business, we have invested more than US$4 million to set up Anshan Newlook Dyeing and Printing Company in Anshan City of Lianing Province in China. It is scheduled to put into production from Sept, 2002 with an annual production of around 12 million Metres.

We at Newlook will devote ourselves to the prosperous future with all our valued customers through out the world.
地  区: 上海 
地  址: 3/F, No.645 Hong Zhong Rd.,Shanghai,China


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