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产品关键字:面料 灯芯绒 牛仔布 绒布 衬衫布 牛津布 桃皮绒 罗纹布 毛绒 网眼布 提花布 毛巾布 印花 棉纱 纱线 丝绸 色织 染色 羊绒
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您的位置:中国服装面料网 -> 服装面料企业名片 -> 雅利特家纺布艺
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主  营: 面料
产  品: 提花布,色织布,装饰面料,specially produces textile decoration shell fabric such as jacquard weave, yarn dyed fabric
公司介绍: 雅利特家纺有限公司是一家专业生产装饰布的厂家,专业生产提花、色织等各类纺织装饰面料,产品远销各地,生产技术精良,质量管理严格。产品规格从110CM-280CM都可以生产。生产原料包括:涤纶丝、棉纱、晴纶纱、人棉丝、人造丝、雪尼尔纱及各类的花色纱。本公司现有剑杆织机40多台,可以联合生产的共有100多台织机。在国内各地设有销售机构和代理商,产品销售全国各地。欢迎与广大客户精诚合作,共同设计开发,加工生产,欢迎来电、来人洽谈!
Our company is one factory which specially produces textile decoration shell fabric such as jacquard weave, yarn dyed fabric. The products sales everywhere. We have superior production technology and strictly controlled quality. The specifications of products cover from 110CM to 280CM, the production materials include terylene thread, cotton yarn, nylon yarn, staple rayon thread, rayon, and various kinds of fancy yarns. Our corporation now possesses over 40 gripper looms, and over 100 looms altogether that can carry joint production. We establish sales organs and agents in provinces of the country and our products are also enjoying great popularity. We sincerely wish for the cooperation, the joint design and exploitation of domestic and overseas clients, the sample supplying and coming for business opportunity are warmly welcome.
地  区: 浙江 海宁
地  址: 绍兴轻纺市场


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