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产品关键字:面料 灯芯绒 牛仔布 绒布 衬衫布 牛津布 桃皮绒 罗纹布 毛绒 网眼布 提花布 毛巾布 印花 棉纱 纱线 丝绸 色织 染色 羊绒
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您的位置:中国服装面料网 -> 服装面料企业名片 -> 金龙纺织有限公司
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主  营: 面料
产  品: Fashionable denim,Creative jacquard fabric,Noble ribbed velvet,Resplendent colored fabrics,Casual dyed fabrics,Cozy knitting fabrics,斜纹布,提花布,天鹅绒,染色布,针织面料
公司介绍: Golden Dragon Textiles Co.,Limited, whose headquarter is in the prosperous city with great fame-Hong Kong, was established in 1989.Its mill is located at Zhongshan city in the Pearl River Delta. The mill is on the line of dying, knitting and fabric finishing etc.
In 2002,the mill renewed all its weaving machines so as to meet with the client’s increasing requirements. These new machines PICANOL GAMMA which produce high quality denim, stretching fabric and so on, are imported from Belgium. Thus, denim with the GD logo have already won a great fame among the garment industries nowadays.
地  区: 广东 中山
地  址: 广东省中山市西区沙朗金龙工业区


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